Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's almost that time

Can you believe it in less than a month we will celebrate 19 years of marriage? 19 years of sleeping next to you at night. 19 years of knowing I couldn't have gotten a better man to be my partner. 19 years of holding your hand, you know in just the right way. 19 years of you always being there to take care of me in the big ways or the little ways. 6 places we have called home. 5 kids we are raising together . 3 we wish we would have gotten to raise. The dreams we have shared, the ones we have made come true and the ones we had to let go of because life had other things in mind. I love you for all that you are, all that you do and for always being there for all of us. You rock my baby and I love you.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Names, Names, Names, everybodys got one

This was posted to my hubby's page in error. You can now find this at our family page Scoop From MaMee