Friday, February 29, 2008
Thank you for all your help
Friday, February 22, 2008
21 Ways to Say "I love you" without saying a word
21 Ways to Say "I Love You" (Without Saying a Word)
Redbook readers — and their guys! — share how they show their love.
By Sara AndersonYou already know it's important for you and your guy to tell each other "I love you" — as often as possible. But you shouldn't depend on those three little words to let your one-and-only know what's in your heart. In fact, nonverbal displays of affection are often a better way to get through to the man in your life.
"Guys tend to be action-oriented, so they feel less comfortable using words to express emotions," says REDBOOK Love Network expert and psychiatrist Scott Haltzman, M.D., author of The Secrets of Happily Married Men. "They've seen enough Tom Hanks movies to know they're supposed to always say 'I love you,' but they're not sure that words alone convey how they feel."
Ready to let what you do speak louder than what you say? We asked REDBOOK readers and the men in their lives to share some sweet ideas. Plus, we added in some expert tips on how to give your love a boost without uttering a word.
"Sometimes I 'write' a love message on my husband's breakfast toast. Using cookie cutters, especially my Valentine's Day set of hearts, I press one lightly into a slice of bread, just hard enough to imprint it, then I toast it. It never fails to bring a smile to his face." —Anita Crehan, Mason, NH
"Every now and then I leave a card saying how much I love and appreciate him under his pillow for him to find before he goes to sleep." —Cim Collins, Springfield, IL
"My wife, Leigh Anne, sometimes has to travel for work, and when she gets home, I give her a small gift for every day she has been gone. I'll set them on the kitchen table and wait for her to notice them — things like her favorite perfume, fresh flowers, or a cool piece of hand-made jewelry. I love to spoil her!" —John Montgomery, Birmingham, AL
"I place special little love notes, cartoons, jokes, or small articles — sometimes racy ones — in her underwear drawer. She never knows what to expect next. She gets a big kick out of them and knows it is my way of saying I love her." —Joe Cirillo Jr., Englewood, FL
"When I take a shower at night, I write messages on the fogged-up mirrors so they appear when he takes a shower in the morning before he goes to work." —Jackie Peirce, Oley, PA
"My husband puts toothpaste on my toothbrush and leaves it lying on the sink for me every night before bed. He is the sweetest husband ever!" —Lisa Wilkes-North, Heath, TX
"I scour the TV listings for his favorite movies or a sporting event that I know he'd love to watch. I TiVo it without telling him, then surprise him with it on Saturday morning. Bonus: While he's on the couch, I've just bought myself some me-time. Manicure, pedicure, here I come!" —Cindy Panowicz, Grand Island, NE
"Before my husband leaves for work, he sets the table for my breakfast. He lays out a bowl for cereal, a cup for orange juice, strawberries, a napkin, and a spoon. For a big, manly union guy, this is a really major step!" —Patricia Armstrong, Danvers, MA
"I love that my husband gets up every morning when I do. His job doesn't start till 9, so he could easily sleep later than me, but he doesn't. While I get ready, he gets our three kids dressed and loads them into the van with their backpacks. To me, this is one of the best ways he can say he loves us all." —Jeanette Dominguez, El Paso, TX
"We brag about each other when we're out with our friends — even if it's about something little, like 'Oh, Barry had the best idea the other day' or 'Barry fixed the whatsit that's been leaking!'" —Jennifer Starr, Columbus, OH
"For Christmas, I bought a dictionary and went through it, highlighting all the definitions that describe him or remind me of him." —Jaynee Germond, Roseburg, OR
"Every morning before I get up, he leaves two folded towels in the bathroom for me for when I take a shower — one big towel for my body and a smaller towel for my head." —Amy Rossi-Espagnet, Atlanta
"The number one complaint I hear from guys is they feel like they don't get rewarded for the things they do, only told what they didn't do. Next time your man takes out the trash without being asked or starts the coffee pot for you in the morning, reward him with a 30-second full-body hug. Guys are so physical — it's easy and teasy." —Toni Coleman
"In the wintertime I start my husband's car in the morning so it will be toasty warm for him on his way to work." —Autumn Griffin, Canton, OH
"I changed the banner on his cell phone to read 'I Love You' when he wasn't looking!" —Becky White, Newton, AL
"My husband and I send each other short e-mails to say what we are thinking about at that very moment. Once, he wrote me, 'The new Brad Paisley song makes me think of you.' Now every time I hear it on the radio, I'm reminded how much my husband loves me." —Michelle Magnetti, Colorado Springs, CO
"My husband gets up at 5:30 a.m., but he pulls his dresser drawers open the night before so the noise of them opening and closing won't disturb me. Now that's love!" —Connie Maynord, Bastrop, TX
"Here's a suggestive sign he can't miss: Leave a trail of post-it notes in the hallway with arrows on them leading all the way to the bedroom." —Joyce Morley-Ball, Atlanta psychotherapist and author of Seeds for the Harvest of a Lifetime.
"Every time we kiss, we do it three times, which stands for 'I love you.' When my husband pulls out of the driveway in the morning, I stand at the door while he sets off the emergency light on his truck, also three times for 'I love you.'" —Peggy Clayton, Dubuque, IA
"Use your eyeliner to give yourself a temporary tattoo — an arrow that starts at your navel and points down. Remember: Men are very visual!" —Scott Haltzman, M.D.
23 ways to celebrate your marriage from MSN Lifestyle
When you first met and got hitched, you couldn't stop gushing about married life and how wondrous it was going to be. In fact, the situation was so serious that your best friend, your sister, and even your mother were getting a little tired of hearing the details.
But then, after the wedding hoopla faded, you probably found that life kicked in at a wicked pace, your priorities got reshuffled, and you just didn't have time to sit back and reflect on your marital bliss. If you can relate, know this: "It's not the traditional stuff — the big dinner out once a year, or even the regular Saturday-night dates — that pulls you together and bonds you," says Constance Ahrons, Ph.D. "It's little bits of time stolen together and small, frequent gestures that remind you of what you have in common and your commitment to each other." Of course, no one's saying you should bag the annual dinner. But try these ideas from experts and couples, and you'll find that opportunities to connect and feel really good about your marriage are lurking everywhere, every day of the year.
1. Tell him you love him
Spill your most loving thoughts. "We tend to get caught up in complaining — he doesn't say this or do that — but it's so important to affirm out loud what a great guy he is, and why you fell in love with him, and love him so much today," says Gloria Richfield, Ph.D. Next time he cracks you up, pipe up about how incredible it is to be married to a guy with such a terrific sense of humor; or first thing in the morning, before your feet touch the floor, let him hear that whatever the workday holds can't faze you, since you know you'll see him that night.
2. Talk about the future
All new couples love to daydream about the future — the places you'll go, the parties you'll throw, the house you'll renovate — but that habit tends to fall by the wayside when you're in a long-standing union. To get that sense of anticipation going again, and make sure the coming years have the highlights you're hoping for, visualize the future together. Plan a romantic vacation, a wilderness adventure or something closer to home, like putting a Jacuzzi in your bathroom — and make it happen.
3. Give "just-because" gifts
Instead of going for big-ticket items on "real holidays," a writer and mom of three in California and her husband, Bill, give gifts when the appropriate occasion strikes, calendar be damned. "When I noticed that I was bored silly with seeing him in the same suit everyday, I took him shopping for a new one, and when he saw that a writer's conference was coming to a college near us, he signed me up to help my journalism career along," she says. "Those kinds of gifts make us feel connected, like we're looking out for each other all year long."
4. Keep a sex diary
"During our first anniversary dinner, after a little too much wine, my husband toasted our sex life and a particularly unusual spot in which we'd done the deed," says a portrait artist in Texas. "We began reminiscing and wrote down, in the back of my datebook, every place we'd ever had sex. Now, every anniversary dinner, we update that list, and if the new locations aren't numerous or exciting enough, we challenge ourselves to do better next year. It's silly but fun, and lets us obsess over our sex life a little."
5. Take the "happy" challenge
Your child's favorite shirt has gone AWOL. You've forgotten to mail the car payment for a week now. On top of all this, you're supposed to commit random acts of kindness for your husband? Well, yes, say the experts — you've got to make an effort to pamper that life partner of yours. "Ask yourself: 'What one little thing can I do to make this person happy today?'" suggests Judith Wallerstein, Ph.D. It can be something as little as bringing a cup of coffee with just the right amount of milk or calling during the day to say, "I'm thinking about you." Those little touches make a guy feel appreciated, nurtured — and altogether in love with the institution of marriage.
6. Toast each other
Recognize the good stuff regularly. "We inherited this huge champagne glass from my grandparents — it holds almost a whole bottle of bubbly — and any time we have an excuse, we bring it down and drink to our life together," says one woman who works at a law firm. "We've used it on anniversaries, when we closed on our house and when either of us got a promotion or a new job." So if you didn't receive a pair of champagne glasses as a wedding present, buy some now and put them to use — often.
7. Get your picture taken
If you're like most couples, the only recent photograph you have is of your forearm bracing your child as she tries out her new Jolly Jumper. Invest in having a professional photo taken of you and your man, frame it, and squeeze it in between those baby pictures covering the hallway wall. That permanent record of the two of you, beaming at each other, will reinforce your happy state of togetherness whenever you glance at it.
8. Avoid usual topics
When you do have some quality time together — maybe on Sunday morning while the kids are watching cartoons — don't let conversation fall into the usual ruts, says Dr. Wallerstein, be it complaining about the boss or strategizing how to get your toddler to eat something other than peas. "Really talking — about your hopes, say, or your innermost thoughts — has an energizing effect on the relationship and helps you better know and appreciate each other," she says.
9. Re-create your early bonding ritual
Were the two of you knocked out by a particular film on one of your first dates? Rent it. Is there an album that served as the soundtrack to the summer you fell in love? Play it — often. Or did you used to meet for a drink at that little bar near the bookstore? Go there again. All will remind you of those heady early days, and give you ample opportunity to note how your love has deepened since.
10. Check on your sleeping children — together
The ideal time to moon over them is when they're soundly asleep, like angels. Tiptoe in together and revel in the fact that you made these wondrous little creatures. And remember, be very, very quiet.
11. Plant something
Some couples talk about how satisfying it is to plant a tree in their yard and watch it grow bigger and stronger every year with their marriage. If you can't commit to something that major, even a houseplant the two of you nurture will do. "We've got this one plant that's been everywhere with us," says a mother of two in Seattle. "We had it in Boston, when I was in grad school; it moved to Michigan, to Seattle, back East, then back to Seattle again with us. Every now and then, as we water it or move it to a new spot, we'll think about all the places we've been and how, like the plant, we're still going strong, no matter where we live."
12. Declare an extra anniversary (or two)
Should the only celebration of your marriage be that one fancy-dinner-with-good-bottle-of-wine a year? No way. Add both the day you met and the day you got engaged to the calendar as excuses to go out or give each other a special gift (even a simple candlelit massage counts). To push things further, listen to a mother of two in North Carolina: "I've been really inspired by a couple I know who celebrate their 'month-a-versary' — they make a big fuss over each other on the date of their wedding, every month. Hard for me to pull off, but a good goal to aim for."
13. Meet someplace all dressed up
Decide to rendezvous at, say, a bar or museum, but you do your makeup and wiggling-into-sheer-black-stockings routine at the office while he puts on a great dinner jacket and tie at home. When you then (surprise!) see each other looking your best, you'll each realize what a dude/babe you've landed and feel that much more intoxicated with one another.
14. Feather your nest
Futon couches are for single folks. Now that you're married, acquire the goods that married folks get to have, like a dining room set. Or, follow the example of one New York couple and become art collectors: "Over years we've bought paintings or photos on themes we're interested in. They're permanent, visible, and they remind us of shared passion in our lives."
15. Say it with flowers
Who, if not your spouse, is going to greet you at the door with a bouquet of roses? The point of this rhetorical question: to get you back into that early-dating ritual of giving flowers — a gift that serves no purpose other than to delight the recipient's senses. Keep in mind that it's not a one-way street. See what a bunch of tiger lilies does for his mood.
16. Keep notes
"My husband and I work different shifts, so we barely talk during the week," says a mother of two in Michigan. "So we leave notes for each other in a spiral notebook. Like I'll say, "Last night was awesome!" and come home to find a funny little comment he's added on. Sometimes I flip through the book, and it brings back a lot of good, recent memories about our life together."
17. Walk arm in arm
Or hold hands. Or spoon at night for a couple of minutes, even if you can only fall asleep with your backs toward the middle of the bed. In case you hadn't noticed, physical affection — and not just of the sexual variety — is one of the loveliest perks of marriage. Indulge in it often.
18. Bank on it
In the olden days, women known as "housewives" had this stuff called "mad money" — just-in-case funds for an emergency or, more likely, an unexpected splurge. One North Carolina woman adapts this tradition for modern-day life by trying to pay for things with singles, five-dollar bills, whatever, and putting all the change into a piggybank as a special anniversary-dinner fund. For more immediate gratification, you can use the cash for, say, buying a nice bottle of wine or dinner when the kids have sleepover dates.
19. Give the right thing
"Hokey as it may sound, my husband and I follow that 'give something paper on your first anniversary' tradition," says one woman. "I like it because it makes us feel part of a tradition, as if we're somehow linked with all the eons of married people, and so on." But that doesn't mean the gifts have to be old-fogey-ish. "We just celebrated our third anniversary — the leather one — and bought each other very cool jackets."
20. Get a "married folks" hobby
Sure, you each need your own separate interests to keep you stoked and give you something to talk to the spouse about. But there's something to be said for having a shared pastime. Golf, bridge, and the like are getting popular again. Maybe it's because they provide time to bond as a couple, have all sorts of fun little rituals (think tees, monogrammed balls, gaudy golf wear, and we haven't even hit on that addictive chocolate bridge-mix yet) and give you a chance to meet and hang with other couples.
21. Prick up your ears
"If one of us mentions that we really, really want something, we make it our mission to make it happen," says one woman in New York. "My husband had once said he would love a surprise party on his 40th birthday, so when it came around, I surprised him with a real blowout — an evening dinner cruise on a yacht. It was a total life highlight for us, definitely worth all the planning and expenses. You've got to seize those opportunities to really indulge one another."
22. Find an out-of-the-house meeting place
Once every month or so, have breakfast with your husband at the same local diner on your way to work or sneak out of the office at 5 p.m. sharp for drinks at a cozy neighborhood bar — it'll give you time to connect and make the two of you feel that you have a special place, no matter how ordinary. Couples today, especially those with kids, have so little time together. Forget that Saturday-night-date stuff and steal time from the workweek. Your job will still get done.
23. Hang out with single people
There are two ways to make this work for you. One, you and your husband invite some single folk (or even better, an engaged couple) over for coffee and bask in their somewhat envious gazes and their relentless curiosity about your life. You've got what they're dreaming of, and your little klatch will help you appreciate that a bit more. Or slide into a corner table at a singles hangout with your husband and watch the mating ritual over a cold beer. The two of you have come a long way — and to a fantastic place — haven't you?
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Jason~ I adore you more than words could every tell. You are the light in my eyes, the love in my heart and the soul of my being. Thank you for always standing by me and up for me. You truly are an amazing man and I feel extremely lucky that I get to share my journey through life you with you by my side, holding my hand and loving me like you do. Thank you honey for all that you do, all that you are and all that you have shared with me. I LOVE YOU Forever and a day.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
August 17, 1991 The begining of a whole new life

I woke up that morning to Jason standing in my room. I was confused, as he wasn't suppose to be there it was our wedding day. He kissed me and said he just wanted to check and see how I was feeling. I was surprised to say that I felt much better and was ready to be his wife. With that he left and our wedding day began for me.
First on my agenda was an appt at the hair salon. Got my hair done and got back to my house. The next thing I remember is walking in to the church. To start getting ready. I wasn't really nervous which surprised me. I was just ready to start my married life with my love. With being sick I hadn't really eaten much for a few days and all of a sudden I was starving. I told someone and I think my step-dad went and got me something to eat. I was so happy to see him come in with some food. After my quick lunch it suddenly seemed like everything was happening at once. I remember asking about Jason and all my girls were with me said they hadn't seen him but they had been with me. Then I wandered out in to the hall and

So I went back to getting ready. Since I was wearing lace hightop sneakers I had leggings and socks to wear under my dress. Which I think were much more comfy then panty hose every would have been. I am all about the comfort of things. I had both my Mom and Step-Mom helping me get dressed along with my two friends so I didn't have much to do. Then suddenly everything was done and I was ready to be married to the love of my life, my heart and soul, my Jason. We all went out in to the hall to wait for our time. Everyone was given there flowers and When I was handed mine they weren't exactly what I had ordered,they were pretty but I wanted a single big gardenia to be suspended by fishing line from the bouquet but what could you do I was about to walk down the aisle and that point I didn't really care what the flowers were as long as Jas was at the end of the aisle. The music started the girls started walking and then the flower girl. She walked dropping her flowers as she went but when she got to the end of the aisle she still had flowers so she turned and kept walking until she used all of her flowers.

Then it was my turn. I must have looked nervous but I didn't feel it but I remember my Dad patting my hand and then the doors opened and there was my Jas. He was standing there with the sweetest expression on his face and looked so wonderful in his tuxedo. The day had come and I was going to be marrying him. He would soon be my husband I couldn't believe all of my dreams were coming true. We walked down the aisle, my father and I, and stopped at the end. Jas was misty eyed and smiling. The minister asked Who gives this women and I believe he answered with her parents do and with that he put my hand in Jason's and we began. I don't remember the actually ceremony much. I just remember looking up at him and being totally entranced by him. I couldn't have been happier that moment in my life, this was all of my dreams coming true. We said our vows and exchanged rings. Even though I tried to put his ring on the wrong hand, he stopped me before I could mess it up. Then it was done we were married.

The minister said the words "You may now kiss your bride" Jason lifted my veil and placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed me so sweetly, paused said I love you, and kissed me again. It was amazing.
We're getting married in the morning.

The wedding was all planned. I flew back to Indiana to await my true love's return. I had to order the cake when I got back home from a local baker and our flowers were being handled by a local florist and friend of Jason's so I needed to go by her shop and give her the final details of what I wanted.
Then the day came my future husband was coming home. I was so nervous waiting for him at the airport. I couldn't believe he it was all for real that we would soon be married. Then he came off the plane and man was I glad to see him. He looked amazing, even better than I remembered. Then he took me in his arms and all was right with my world again. My baby was back and we were getting married in just a few days. We headed for home so he could see everyone and I wonder if my feet ever touched the ground the rest of the day I was so happy to be with him I felt like I was floating.
The state fair was going on Indiana so we headed down there a couple of days before our wedding. We went with a bunch of friends and one of them for some reason had gotten into a perfume fight before getting in the car with us. She stunk so bad she gave me a headache. We went and visited my favorite radio station at the fair and they played a song for us and dedicated it to us. We road some rides, I am sure one of them was the ferris wheel as I love those. It was a great way to celebrate our approaching wedding and have some fun.
Then it was almost our wedding day I felt horrible. I couldn't breathe and had a fever so two days before the wedding I am at the Dr's office and come to find out I have a sinus infection. I told the Dr I was getting married in a couple of days is there anything that I can and they gave me something super strong and I left hoping it would work.
The next day was the dress rehearsal. We had planned to do the rehearsal, get something to eat and then head to a skating rink to skate for awhile. However I still felt like C R A P so bad in fact that my face was swollen and I walked down the aisle at rehearsal with an ice pack on my face. After the rehearsal we all wound up back at my mom's house where I was trying to keep it together but I felt horrible. I think the medicine the Dr gave me was working to drain my sinuses because all of sudden I felt sick. I went running up the stairs so as not to make a scene and got sick. Unfortunately the little boy that was the ring bearer in the wedding was on the stairs or something and heard me get sick and went and told everyone. So much for not making scene. It was decided I would go to sleep and hope for better health in the morning even though I really wanted to hang out with all of them. But being better for my wedding was more important I realized so off to bed I went and everyone left. I laid in bed thinking my dreams are coming true, tomorrow I would be married to Jason. I couldn't believe it was real.
The wedding is coming, the wedding is coming start planning

Those that know me, know that I am not a dress shoe kind of call. I wore white keds to the prom because I despised dress shoes. When I first got to CT. my step-mom told me that she had seen lace high tops at the mall. I was thrilled. We went on mission to find them as I desperately wanted them. Finally we found them. They were white lace high top gym shoes and they were perfect. I got some extra white flower pieces to decorate them. They even had white lace shoe laces. I was so happy with my crazy shoes. For the wedding I put a little pin that had been my grandfather's on my shoe so he would be part of my wedding since he had passed on when I was just 13. Then I needed a veil so back to the craft store we went and I got the stuff to make my veil. I had a lot of fun trying different ways to make the veil before deciding on one that I really liked and finished it. Jason's one reguest for the wedding was that he wanted to lift a veil to kiss me so I made sure to include that.
I am a sentimental kind of person so for a wedding band I wanted something special. I asked my grandmother if I could have her wedding band from when she married my grandfather. She had gotten remarried in June and was very happy to pass along the ring to me. Even better it fit perfectly. Then I went in hunt of Jason's ring. I found one that looked a whole lot like my grandmothers and it was on clearance so we had matchingish rings and were able to keep to our poor kids budget.
I, of course, had been writing and talking to Jason all I could during that summer. Heck we each even had mini tape recorders and would send each other tapes just so we could hear each other's voice. I was suppose to go down and visit him during training but we could never figure out a good time where we would be able to spend time together so that never worked out. But I was glad that I had all the wedding plans to keep from going crazy missing him. At least I had our wedding and future to look forward to while we were apart.
The big news from Jason during all of the wedding preparation was where were we going to live, or better yet where was the Army going to send us. The other guys in his unit were getting there assignments some even got Italy and other overseas places and it was down to just him and one other guy waiting on word of where they would go. I kept getting letters saying he still hadn't heard anything yet. Then one day he called and said I would never guess where we are going to live. Of course I am guessing all kinds of overseas countries and what not. Then he told me we are going to Hawaii. I was like you have got to be kidding. I was excited and terrified at the same time, I was excited to be going to Hawaii but so afraid of being so far away from everyone we knew. We would be together and married so that was the main part.
With almost everything taken care of the last thing we needed to figure out was vows and the ceremony. I wished we could have written our own vows but I knew that would not happen so we went with the standard wedding vows. For the ceremony we knew that so many people were not thrilled with the fact that we were getting married so we had the minister take out the part about if Anyone here has just cause why these two should not be married to speak now or forever hold their peace. We highly doubted anyone would say anything but we didn't even want to give them the opportunity so we took it out.
Then just a couple of more wedding dress fittings and some other smaller details our wedding was planned. Now we just had to make it to the church on time.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Getting the ring
Well I knew he had a ring in layaway and it drove me crazy. So crazy in fact that I canceled a layaway for clothes that I had so I could get the money to get my ring. I didn't get enough to get my ring but it helped. Jason and I talked a lot about what we wanted to do. I thought we should still go to school in the fall but I refused to stay in the dorm. The stories I heard about Jason's roommate terrified me, and I didn't want any part of dorm life. I wanted to get an apartment with Jason and another friend or two. I told my Dad and he said no way I had to stay in the dorm. I refused and told him fine I won't go and we will get married instead. So that is how we came to marriage instead of college. Jason decided he would go active duty Army since he knew that we would be able to make it in the military. So he went and talked to recruiters and signed up for active duty.
He had inprocessing the day I got to walk for graduation. We were staying with my Dad and step mom at a nearby hotel. He had his recruiter pick him up there and he went out the door by 5 am. I took his car and went to graduation rehearsal and then met him back at the hotel before graduation night. We all went to graduation and then back to the hotel late that night. When we got back to the room he walks in and throws a bag in my lap and walks back out of the room and flops on the bed. I see the name on the bag and it is the jewelry store were the ring was. I jump up and chase after him and tell him no way is he going to sleep now. He gets up and puts the ring on my finger. Then said he was exhausted and was going to sleep. So I was officially engaged and he was sleeping. I imagine I laid awake looking at the ring for a long time, knowing it meant he would always be by my side. Even though it wasn't the exciting presentation like I had hoped for, like every girl dreams of, I was ecstatic to being marrying him, he was truly my dream come true.
My Senior prom and the trip that changed our lives forever
That spring was my senior prom, Jason was a starving college kid and I was a nanny but I really wanted to go to the prom with Jason as my date. I got us tickets and begged him to go with me but he said he couldn't afford a tux and wouldn't go. My mom finally said she would rent him a jacket, he had black dress pants and black tux shirt so he agreed and came and took me to my Senior Prom. He looked wonderful and I was so proud to show up on his arm. Jason and I are not leaders in the land of school, we weren't the cool kids or anything like that but that night at the prom we were the first ones on the dance floor followed by my friends. I was so proud of him I coudln't wait to get out there and dance with him. There was nothing like the feeling of him holding me in his arms and dancing with me. I think at one point he was the only guy dancing with about 4 or 5 of my friends dancing around him. We had a wonderful time at prom and had a blast at after prom back at the school. I don't think there was a way my senior prom could have been better.
Not long after my prom my best friend and I decided to head to Florida to visit my grandparents and a friend of Jason's that my friend liked. It would be fun just the two of us going to Florida via plane. We flew done and made it there with little drama. Hung out with my grandparents for a few days and then Jason's friend came and took us to Universal Studios Florida. We had a lot of fun at the park and then went back to his apartment and hung out. He made us fried shark which I have to admit wasn't too bad. Then his neighbors came over and were talking about the snakes they had at their apartment so my friend and I went over to see the snakes. Well some how this guy got it in his head that I like him or at least that he liked me and tried to put the moves on me. For some reason my friend left me there in his apartment. I told him I wasn't interested, that I had a boyfriend, but he wouldn't let me leave. The more he talked the more I felt like I was in an after school special. He said all the typical tv show things, You know you want to, Your boyfriend doesn't have to find out, and just told him NO leave me alone and some how I convinced him to let me leave. I ran back to the apartment and lost it. I was so mad she left me there and I was so scared about what could have been. Some how I wound up on the phone with Jason and told him what happened. He didn't have much to say but I could tell he was upset just not sure if it was at me, the neighbor or my friend or all three of us. I was so upset that I made our friend take us back to my grandparents house early because I was afraid I would run in to the neighbor again. We finished our trip to Florida and Jason picked us up at the airport and brought us back to my house. When we got home he handed me a card. In it he wrote he was so upset when he heard about what happened in Florida that he had gotten in his car and started driving towards Florida. He had gotten to Kentucky I believe when he figured out he didn't know exactly where he was going so he want back to his dorm. I was surprised to say the least, but was pretty happy that he was going to try and be my brave knight coming to my rescue. Then I continued on reading. He said while he was driving that he realized he must really care about me if he dropped everything and was headed half way across the country after me. Then he ended the note with remember the ring we were looking at when were at the mall, I went back and it was gone. I looked up at him funny and then continued reading, he continued with it was gone because I bought it and put it in layaway. I was stunned and just stared at him. Did this mean what I think it means? I don't remember what I said or did but imagine I cried and hugged and kissed him. I couldn't believe it.
I finished school and he leaves for school
During one of his visits we were hanging out at the mall and started looking at rings. I showed him a ring I loved. It was a very light blue topaz ring with tiny diamonds on either side. I told him if he wanted to buy me a ring he could get me that ring. Then we went off looking at who knows what else. Some how we both knew our relationship was moving in a bigger better direction but we weren't sure what was going to happen exactly we just knew we loved each other and wanted to be together. I planned to join him at school in the fall and to see what would happen. We were dreaming of our future together and life was good.
The circus brought me a miracle.
I started my senior year of high school and things with Jason were getting better, I was seeing him more often but still not like I had hoped. Then in September we made plans to go to see Ringling Brothers circus together. I was so excited to go to the circus I loved clowns and it would be so great to go with him. He picked me up and gave me a card. It was a card that changed my life and made happier then I had been in a long time. In it he had written that he made the decision that we should be together and wanted us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I could almost say it was worth the horrid summer for that moment but I am not so certain of that. I couldn't tell you a single thing about the circus that evening. I am not sure if I watched a single bit of it or just stared at him in disbelief. All my wishes and prayers had been answered and he was back with me. My heart was complete again.
I was a senior in high school and had the man of my dreams my life was going the way it was suppose to. Jason took me to homecoming dance that year. We had a blast, I loved being with him and showing everyone he was mine. He had a motorcycle and use to show up at school at the end of the day to pick me up. He would be wearing his leather jacket and helmet and sitting in the parking lot. He looked so mysterious waiting out there. I remember people asking me who he was as you couldn't see him through his helmet. I loved climbing on the back of his bike and riding out of that parking lot. It was the most freeing feeling. We would take the bike back to his parents house where we would trade it for his car and then he would take me home. My mom would have freaked if she knew we were riding the bike so we always went and got the car before he took me home.
I started writing to him in a little diary I had. I would write to him and then give him the book. He would write back in the book and we had this great little book of memories and thoughts we shared. It was fun to be able to read back over it and think about things we had shared.
We had some crazy fun times hanging out at the local park on the playground with our friends. Going to Movies 8 and watching cheap movies. Watching rented movies at my house or just hanging out with friends. It was an amazing time.
That Christmas I was going to Florida with my father and stepmother to visit my grandparents. I got my dad to agree to let Jason come with me so we got to spend some time on the beaches of Anna Maria Island and went to Disney World, Epcot and MGM studios. He loved the beaches and I love being with him. It felt if everything was just like it should be. We shared Christmas together in Florida that year and I really had hoped he would get me a ring but new it wasn't really going to happen but it doesn't stop a girl from dreaming. I loved him so much I wanted nothing more than to be with him forever.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
The saddest summer and I boy was I confused
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
What a wonderful couple of months but then
Shortly after we started dating he decided he wanted to go to Massachusetts to visit his family and friends. I told my mom he was going and she told me to go with him. It was an awesome trip. I got to meet most of his relatives and we had fun with his friends. We went to the aquarium in Boston. Slept in a tent in his friend's yard. We talked a lot and dreamed alot. He had CB radio and we would talk to the truckers. One of them used the handle Too Tall and told us that we had to name our first kid after him. It was an amazing time with him. However if you ask him I slept the entire trip and didn't even wake up when he stopped to get something to eat and take a potty break. I am sure he is exaggrating though, I couldn't have slept that much. :0)
Just after the trip I was sitting in 4th period waiting for class to start when Jason's sister came running in the room got right in front of me and said I heard you were dating my brother. I said I was. She said why didn't you tell me and I said something like I didn't want to upset her. She was my friend but he was my heart. I wonder what she thought, I wonder if she was mad at me or him. I pretty sure she knew I liked her brother from early on in our friendship.
He worked for skating rink and we would hang out there and skate or I would just watch him skate. He was a great skater and every one loved him. I was so proud of him and loved knowing that we were together. He really was my dream come true walking or skating around.
My friends and I would come down to his apartment and hang out. He loved to watch Star Trek and I use to tease him that I thought his tv was broken because every time I was there it was playing Star Trek. I remember eating captain crunch cereal and my friends had eaten all the berries from the crunch berry cereal. A couple of them playing Chubby bunny with marshmallows (seeing how many marshmallows you could fit in your mouth and still say chubby bunny) I first told him I loved him in his apartment, even though he just stared at me when I told him I did love him and I just hoped that one day he would feel the same way. We shared so much at his apartment . One of the funniest memories I have of his apartment was right before one of the saddest parts of our relationship. He had to move out of his apartment because he couldn't afford it anymore and would be moving back home. It would be nice to have him closer but I knew he was sad to be giving up his freedom. Little did I know how much it would cost me too. Before he moved out we were hanging out in his apartment and he had cool whip in the fridge. Somehow we wound up having a coolwhip fight. It was so much fun, we laughed so hard and had a great time.
Then the bad news, he was moving home and his parents didn't approve of our relationship so he would have to break up with me in order to move back home. His parents loved his ex-girlfriend and I wasn't her and never could or would be. I wasn't good enough for their boy because of who I had dated before. There was nothing I could do to change things. I was losing my heart and I was was powerless to change it.
How could this be? How could I get everything I had hoped for only to have it taken away over something I couldn't control. I was heartbroken, lost and confused.
Oh my gosh is it true, could it be possible
Then it was the spring of 1990. Ahh spring brings new life and love to the earth and anything feels possible. Little did I know something I thought was impossible would finally be possible. Jason was no longer with his girlfriend we were still friends and hanging out. I wasn't pushing him for anything but we were enjoying being friends. Then one day he was at our house and we were watching TV and horsing around. He started tickling me and pinned me down and was about to tickle me when he paused looked at me and kissed me. OH MY GOSH. I thought I was going to pass out. I couldn't believe it, was it really possible that he just kissed me. What did that mean, what am I suppose to do now? I don't remember what happened next for certain but I know I was thrilled. I do recall him leaving and standing on my front porch and just looking at him, amazed. I believe he had a band rehearsal that night but I convinced him to skip it and he came back and we went to the movies with my mom and sister. We saw Cousins. I think the movie was lame but sitting there holding his hand was amazing. Soon after that I officially broke up with my boyfriend and began officially dating Jason. My dreams were coming true, I couldn't believe it was really possible, but he was there with me and I was the happiest I had ever been.
You are my friend and I am grateful for that
Then things changed with his girlfriend. I heard that she was cheating on him and I knew he would be heart broken to find out. For whatever reason my boyfriend at the time took it upon himself to tell Jason about it. I remember the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I knew his heart was being broken. I tried to call him that evening to see how he was doing but his parents said he was out walking. Since we lived in the same neighborhood I went and sat outside hoping to see him walk by. I can still see him walking down the street, wearing his sherpa lined denim jacket looking down at the ground and walking slowly around the corner. My heart broke seeing how sad he was. What would I say to him, how could I make it a little better for him. He slowly came up to us and I just remember taking him in my arms and holding him in a big hug. We sat at the end of my driveway and talked for awhile. He was so sad, I just wanted to fix it for him. Then my sister's friend came out of the house and started yapping away. She popped off with well since you don't have a girlfriend any more you can just date Heather. As much as I would have loved that I knew he was in no place to even be considering that. I told her to shut up. Shortly after that Jas went back to walking.
I can't say I was heartbroken that they broke up. I loved knowing that he was now available but I was not going to upset him and pursue him. He knew what I thought and knew that I would be there if that is ever something he wanted to pursue. Until then he would remain my friend and I would be grateful for that if I couldn't have more.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Moving on~ Basic Training time
He was gone and I missed him so much. I still had my boyfriend but my heart ached for Jason. I watched the mail like a hawk for word from him and was beside myself when a letter finally came. We wrote so many letters and shared so much while he was gone. It was the most amazing time getting to know him.
It turned out his sister was in my science class at school and we became friends. It was strange to be friends with her and know how my heart ached for her brother. But some how we managed to be friends that summer. When the time came for Jason to go back from training his family planned a welcome home party. I was able to go over and help before the party and then when his parents pulled up and he got out of the car my heart skipped. He was gorgeous with his army man tan and muscles from all his workouts. I couldn't believe it was him. It was wonderful to see him again but even better to have him look down at me and smile, take me in his arms and give me a big hug. My heart was happy, Jason was home.
All of our letter writing made us even better friends and I couldn't be happier. We got to go hang out a lot. Going to movies or to play putt putt. In fact I think he still owes me for a bet we had for one of those putt putt games. We even worked together at a little local pizza place. He was the manager and I was one of the pizza prep people. It was so much fun working with him and getting to see him so often. I loved being his friend, I would have loved being his girlfriend but at least he was my friend and I was happy to have what I did.