That spring was my senior prom, Jason was a starving college kid and I was a nanny but I really wanted to go to the prom with Jason as my date. I got us tickets and begged him to go with me but he said he couldn't afford a tux and wouldn't go. My mom finally said she would rent him a jacket, he had black dress pants and black tux shirt so he agreed and came and took me to my Senior Prom. He looked wonderful and I was so proud to show up on his arm. Jason and I are not leaders in the land of school, we weren't the cool kids or anything like that but that night at the prom we were the first ones on the dance floor followed by my friends. I was so proud of him I coudln't wait to get out there and dance with him. There was nothing like the feeling of him holding me in his arms and dancing with me. I think at one point he was the only guy dancing with about 4 or 5 of my friends dancing around him. We had a wonderful time at prom and had a blast at after prom back at the school. I don't think there was a way my senior prom could have been better.
Not long after my prom my best friend and I decided to head to Florida to visit my grandparents and a friend of Jason's that my friend liked. It would be fun just the two of us going to Florida via plane. We flew done and made it there with little drama. Hung out with my grandparents for a few days and then Jason's friend came and took us to Universal Studios Florida. We had a lot of fun at the park and then went back to his apartment and hung out. He made us fried shark which I have to admit wasn't too bad. Then his neighbors came over and were talking about the snakes they had at their apartment so my friend and I went over to see the snakes. Well some how this guy got it in his head that I like him or at least that he liked me and tried to put the moves on me. For some reason my friend left me there in his apartment. I told him I wasn't interested, that I had a boyfriend, but he wouldn't let me leave. The more he talked the more I felt like I was in an after school special. He said all the typical tv show things, You know you want to, Your boyfriend doesn't have to find out, and just told him NO leave me alone and some how I convinced him to let me leave. I ran back to the apartment and lost it. I was so mad she left me there and I was so scared about what could have been. Some how I wound up on the phone with Jason and told him what happened. He didn't have much to say but I could tell he was upset just not sure if it was at me, the neighbor or my friend or all three of us. I was so upset that I made our friend take us back to my grandparents house early because I was afraid I would run in to the neighbor again. We finished our trip to Florida and Jason picked us up at the airport and brought us back to my house. When we got home he handed me a card. In it he wrote he was so upset when he heard about what happened in Florida that he had gotten in his car and started driving towards Florida. He had gotten to Kentucky I believe when he figured out he didn't know exactly where he was going so he want back to his dorm. I was surprised to say the least, but was pretty happy that he was going to try and be my brave knight coming to my rescue. Then I continued on reading. He said while he was driving that he realized he must really care about me if he dropped everything and was headed half way across the country after me. Then he ended the note with remember the ring we were looking at when were at the mall, I went back and it was gone. I looked up at him funny and then continued reading, he continued with it was gone because I bought it and put it in layaway. I was stunned and just stared at him. Did this mean what I think it means? I don't remember what I said or did but imagine I cried and hugged and kissed him. I couldn't believe it.
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