Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

I interupt this story of us to say Happy Valentine's day to my wonderful husband of 16 years. As I type this blog he is in the kitchen making breakfast for us this Valentine's day. He has taken the day off work so that he can stay home with kiddos while I go to Liam's school and help with his class Valentine's day activities and party.

Jason~ I adore you more than words could every tell. You are the light in my eyes, the love in my heart and the soul of my being. Thank you for always standing by me and up for me. You truly are an amazing man and I feel extremely lucky that I get to share my journey through life you with you by my side, holding my hand and loving me like you do. Thank you honey for all that you do, all that you are and all that you have shared with me. I LOVE YOU Forever and a day.

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